One thing you will notice immediately you begin working with our network of mature business coaches is their high level of experience.
In fact all our advisors have impeccable, decades long business experience at the highest level.
Some have worked both in Australia and in multiple countries overseas in senior executive roles for very large blue chip organisations.
They also have significant experience running their own business.
This mix of experience, wisdom and business ownership makes them a unique and valuable resource for our clients including you.
Added to their individual experience is our collective wisdom across the team. Often one coach will be chatting to another in the network about specific challenges they need to help their clients solve.
And we have also worked with literally thousands of business owners just like you.
And surveyed over ten thousand business owners on the challenges they face in running a business.
Not only is Silver & Wise the only mature age focussed business and coaching organisation but we are also the most experienced and best researched network of business coaches that you will find.
And we are here to help you be as successful as possible in your future of work planning or business ownership journey.